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About Me

Welcome to my blog!
I am a kindergarten-loving, coffee addict, and Pure Barre enthusiast Dallas school teacher. Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, my fiance and I moved to Dallas, Texas during the summer of 2012.
After teaching 3rd grade in Seattle, I agreed to accept a position in kindergarten in Dallas. I was excited, but nervous about moving grades! After a crazy beginning of the school year (I had 32 kiddos for 2 months.), I fell in love with kinder! Now I cannot imagine myself in any other grade!
In the summer of 2013, I started creating and selling products on TeachersPayTeachers and have spent pretty much all my "free-time" since creating and sharing products with fellow teachers. It has been such a wonderful learning experience and a huge blessing in my life!
My hope is to continue to share ideas, tricks, the daily ups and downs, new experiences, and much more through this blog. I have BIG goals for organization this year and you will see that many of my posts will surround my process in accomplishing this goal!
Thank you for visiting my blog! Don't forget to follow me for news about FREEBIES, GOODIES, AND GIVEAWAYS.
Warm Regards,
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The Kinder Life

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy! I was nominated for the Liebster award by Lawren at Teaching is a Royal Adventure, and I would like to pass the torch onto you! I like reading your blog and was excited to add you to the nominee list. Here is the post where you are included http://www.thekindergartenconnection.com/2014/09/i-am-so-honored-to-be-nominated-by.html
    You can google Liebster award first if you want! I did that because I hadn't heard of it and wondered why someone was commenting on my blog about it - but now I know! :)
