We're All About Those Ten-Frames, Those Ten-Frames, No Trouble!


YIKES! I'm embarrassed shocked to see the date on my last post.
Luckily, I have a wedding to blame. My two months ago wedding. :) Now back to reality and back on track.

Love them? Hate them? Well...hopefully my freebies in this post will help encourage you to use them.
I will be honest, in past years...I didn't use ten-frames as much as I should have. In the beginning of this year, my kindergarten team decided to focus on a year-long goal to have our kiddos fluently reading and using ten-frames. And so the creations began. Cue bingo dotters...

                              I picked these up at Spend Way More Than a Dollar Because I Found So Many Good Things Tree. Love that place!
If you don't have these you have to pick some up. I use them a LOT. My students beg for them and I mean BEG. Anyways... if you don't already own a couple yourself, you can still use the following activities with crayons, markers, put it in a sheet protector and give students a dry-erase marker, etc. The possibilities are endless. Click here to grab it!
The following recording sheets come in 4 different versions. Numbers 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20.
Each recording sheets comes with the following flashcards to accompany each sheet.
  I laminated my flashcards and they have lasted all year. You flash each card to students in a random order and they dot the correct number on the recording sheet. I have seen my students extend this activity on their own in many ways:).

FREEBIE NUMBER TWO...What? Click here to grab it.
This is a ten-frame goodie I just created. You will need two dice and two different colored crayons. But this template can be used OVER and OVER.


Ok. I'm exhausted already:). I better start building up my blogging stamina again. More to come in the next week. (I hope!) 
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