Friday CVC Freebie!

Happy happy happy Friday! It has been a crazy week. And I have been SO looking forward to this weekend as I am attending the Dallas Bloggers Meet-Up. So excited to meet some new friends, fellow teachers, and bloggers! I will be sure to add a big post about this experience:)

Click here for the link to CVC freebie #4!

Off to enjoy this Friday, which includes Chipotle (best meal ever) and "Gone Girl"...

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CVC Hump Day Surprise!

Wednesday! We made it over the hump. We have had a week full of observations on my campus and so I am....EXHAUSTED....but I had to squeeze out a little energy to post freebie #3! Click here to download it!

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Scooping up those CVC words...

Oh exhausted stressed need to just veg out happy Tuesday. I will make this post short and sweet! Freebie number two! Click here for the link to download it!.
And a sneak peek of the very simple, yet FUN interactive sight word freebie tomorrow!! My kiddos of all levels were begging to start playing this:)=happy teacher.

Now for that veg time...hopefully I can keep the computer away from finding its way into my lap again!
Don't forget to stop by tomorrow,
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CVC words, oh how I love thee...

I am guilty. I have totally neglected blogging lately. I thought I would blame it on school wedding planning friends coming to visit LIFE...and so to make up for this MIA business. I have planned a FUN week full of posts and freebies!

As we near the end of October, the kiddos in KC have been working on onset and rime and FINALLY...we are ready for some real CVC practice. I don't know if you will agree, but I just love working with CVC words. It might be the huge grins of confidence that reading and spelling CVC words provides my students. Yeah, I think that is it!
I have some cute, quick, and easy CVC practice to share this week.
I have a fun FREEBIE planned Monday-Thursday this week. Check back each night! Yes! Four freebies!!

Do you have some bingo dotters you have been dying to use? Have you just been waiting to break out some paint? Are you wanting to practice some quick CVC fluency in your small groups?
TADA! Click here to scoop it up!

Although, it is only October, I feel like my class has matured like crazy! Here are some fun things that they have REALLY been enjoying lately:
1.SCOOT... We cannot get enough SCOOT. If you haven't played SCOOT, you need to! We play in all subjects and they love watching themselves gain fluency with completing each task card! (I definitely have a bunch of SCOOTs in my TpT store if you are looking to try some!)

2. Write the Room
They BEG to complete these activities! I have a huge pack in my store, but this picture is of a very SIMPLE one perfect for the beginning of the year. AND it is a freebie in my store:)

3. SWAT a Word! Look at those fly swatters. Who wouldn't love that?! They have been working on the letter identification version but next week I can pull out the CVC version!
 Thanks for stopping by!
Don't forget to come back for more CVC fun this week!

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Sunday Bookshare #3

Hi!! I cannot believe another week has come and gone so quickly!
Did you know October is National Bullying Awareness Prevention month?!!  Well October is literally right around the corner and so I created freebies to accompany two books about bullying this week- Bully Beans by Julia Cook and The Juice Box Bully by Bob Sornson and Maria Dismondy
Check them out here!

A quick synopsis about each book-

Bully Beans:
All About: finding the courage to stand up to a bully, that bullies might be bullies on the outside but they are still kids on the inside
Activity I Included: Bully Bean Bracelets

The Juice Box Bully:
All About: how a class is a team, to not just be a bystander when someone is being bullied, making a promise to stand up for others
Activities I Included: "Our Class Promise" for students to sign & Class Promise posters to work on collaboratively and hang in your classroom as a reference and reminder

Thanks for stopping by!

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Sunday Bookshare #2

Happy Sunday! I am excited to share my 2nd Sunday Bookshare!! This week I created freebies to accompany "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds and "Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun" by Maria Dismondy! Check them out here!

A quick synopsis about each book:
Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun:
All About: having the courage to be who you are, celebrating your uniqueness
Activity I Included: A graphic organizer to record/illustrate pictures of how your students are unique. They interview 3 other classmates too!

The Dot:
All About: everyone is creative in their own way, not giving up when you feel like you have failed, finding the beauty in art
Activity I Included: Students create their own "dot" masterpiece- an opportunity to be creative!

Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy!
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We are a "team"! Plus a freebie:)

Happy TUESDAY! That means tomorrow is Wednesday!! I posted a picture on my Instagram (thekinderlife) this afternoon about the AAMMMAAAZZIINNG experience we had with a simple Social Studies lesson today. We read the book "Teamwork Isn't My Thing, and I Don't Like to Share!" By Julie Cook. (This book was also part of the DonorsChoose project I talked about in my post last Sunday!)
My kiddos loved this book and it was easy to tie it into our Social Studies lesson. We talked about how we are a "team" in the classroom and how their families are a "team" at home. I used the following template. Grab it here.

This simple graphic organizer brought about SO much discussion and there wasn't one student who finished early or was uninterested in talking about this subject. Not going to lie...I was so elated when the little one pictured above wanted to write sentences in each box:). If you are talking about families in your classroom or just teamwork in general, I would HIGHLY recommend this book.

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Sunday Bookshare #1

Happy Sunday!!
I cannot believe half of September is already behind us! I guess that is exactly how the beginning of the school year always goes. Fast, busy, and crazy productive (right?). I am excited to start my Bookshare Sundays. If you follow me on Instagram (thekinderlife), then you might already know a little about this! If not, here is a brief summary of what will take place every Sunday on my blog...

Each Sunday I will post about two books and include a FREEBIE activity to accompany each book! The books I will talk about each Sunday are not just any ordinary books, they are character building books! This means books about honesty, bullying, teamwork, being unique, etc. The books I will be blogging about are part of a DonorsChoose project I recently got funded. Psst...If you don't already use or know about, please check them out. The projects I have gotten funded from this website have been life changing for me and my students! This is the entire list! (Feel free to use it if you feel like starting a similar DonorsChoose project!)

My Name Is Yoon (Ezra Jack Keats New Illustrator Award, 2004)

Not All Princesses Dress in Pink

Hey, Little Ant

The Invisible String

Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen

The Day the Crayons Quit

Too Much Glue

Enemy Pie (Reading Rainbow book)

Decibella and Her 6-Inch Voice (Communicate With Confidence)

The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon

Wilma Jean the Worry Machine

Bully B.E.A.N.S.

Ricky Sticky Fingers

But It's Just A Game

My Mouth Is a Volcano!

Rosie Revere, Engineer

Ish (Creatrilogy)

Don't Squeal Unless It's a Big Deal: A Tale of Tattletales

Making Friends Is an Art!

The Dot

Beautiful Oops!

My Friend is Sad (An Elephant and Piggie Book)

The Crayon Box that Talked

What If Everybody Did That?

Teamwork Isn't My Thing, and I Don't Like to Share! (Best Me I Can Be!)

Measuring Penny

The Juice Box Bully: Empowering Kids to Stand Up For Others

Spaghetti in A Hot Dog Bun: Having the Courage to Be Who You Are

The Worst Day of My Life Ever! (Best Me I Can Be)

The Story Of Ruby Bridges: Special Anniversary Edition

The Name Jar

This week my class read the following books:
Don't Squeal Unless It's a BIG Deal   By: Jeanie Franz Ransom
Don't own these books?! NOT A PROBLEM. I have added a link to each book read aloud online in my freebie below. Just click here to link to this freebie!!

A quick synopsis about each book:
All About: being unique, brave, standing up for yourself, and believing in yourself
Activity I Included: A mini-book where students brainstorm ways they are brave, kind, responsible, etc.

Don't Squeal Unless it's a BIG Deal:
All About: the difference between "tattling" and being safe, teaches students about problem solving
Activity I Included: pig puppets and scenario discussion cards

Enjoy!!! Please let me know how these worked out for you! I would love to know:) 

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